This gold brick has great potential to increase in value, thus many people want it. 这块金砖很具升值潜力,被很多人争相收藏。
Yet the Gold Brick Four Countries, including Brazil, India, Russia and China cannot share the plan. 但与美国没有这类协议的如“金砖四国”中国、印度、巴西和俄罗斯等国,则可能分不到一杯羹。
To recover alloy of gold and silver in magnesite brick by way of gravity concentration 用重选法回收废镁砖中的金银合金
The gold tailing can be used to produce high quality brick by steam pressure curing technology. 利用黄金尾砂和生石灰,采用蒸压养护工艺,可生产出高质量的砌筑砖。
The image of lotus flower can been seen on chinaware, copperware, gold, silverware, jade article, and brick carving with at least 40 kinds and in large variety. 荷花的美展现在陶瓷器、青铜器、金银器、玉石器、砖雕石刻、壁画藻井等方面,至少有40类以上,品种不计其数。
Exploitation of the Use of Gold Tailings to Manufacture Fired Common Brick 利用金尾矿生产烧结普通砖的研究